Academy for Holistic Healing-Arts International

Individual, competent Health-Coaching..

Healing - Coaching - Courses - Products

Wellness Massages & more
Tailored to your individual needs

Relaxation and Balance just for YOU
Relaxing Touch
Soft or Firm just as You want
Seminars / Courses International
Selfhelp Products for Heavenly Balance
DORN Sessions for Selfhelp Demonstration

Welcome to AHHAI.org

Your place for individual and competent Health Coaching and individual Back Pain Solutions

As long as You relax with Us You are the most important Person for Us!

All techniques I use are for the purpose of wellbeing and healing to help the inner healer on its way to a better balance and are not a replacement for any medical treatment or any other therapy. If you suffer from any health condition it is advised that you consult your doctor first. I do not diagnose or treat any sickness.
All services are part of a personal coaching towards better health and it is important that you understand that you are the one responsible for your decisions and actions and all advices I give shall only be seen as guidance and help to make these personal decisions...
We take our time just for You, listen to You and try to fulfill your individual Requests in "Your Time" with us.

About us

Here for You: Thomas Zudrell und Josie Zudrell
Thomas Zudrell MD(AM), is an experienced Health-Coach and international DORN Instructor..
Josie Zudrell, is a sensitive Lomi Lomi Therapist and Healer  with Philippine Roots.

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Our Concern

We want to help You finding Balance again, on all levels of Existance, enhance and maintain this Balance to guide Body-Mind-Spirit into its self-regulating order. Wellness, Relaxation through Touch and Motivation for Self-Responsibility.

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Special Offers

A simple and effective Selfhelp-Tool to enhance the Alignment our important Structures.
Save-Effective-Affordable, perfect to establish a strong foundation for our own health in this fast paced and often difficult times.

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Wellness is: Wellbeing, Health, Happyness, Fitness.

Every Day a good Deed - Just do not forget yourself!

Pamper yourself with us! Our Center is in the beautiful town Kisslegg im Allgaeu, South Germany. Enjoy a Massage or Health-Coaching session. If you suffer Backpain and do not feel in Balance you are at the right place! Let me show you my fantastic Selfhelp Tools "Spynamics Sacro & Spine Aligners" and try them out yourself..

Do something good for your body, so your soul is happy to be there.

Teresa von Avila

Call me now to make an Appointment. We are happy to serve you anytime also in the evening or weekends!

About AHHAI.org

This website presents possible Services which are offered by the responsible Persons als individual selfresponsible Businesses following German laws
" §19 UStG".





Webdesign by:

Thomas Zudrell


Please note

The information on this website is not intended to replace a consultation with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Thomas Zudrell and / or other people. The visitor of this website is encouraged to make his/her own health care decisions based upon his/her own research and best in partnership with a qualified health care professional.


  • Tel:
    (+49) 0151-55634171
  • Email:

    info @ ahhai.org

  • Address:
    Parkstr. 41
    88353 Kißlegg